Unbound Awareness

Unbound Awareness

. Do you ever *wish* you could say what you are feeling or thinking but with words that genuinely describe how YOU think, feel, and believe?   Self-expression, Sharing, and Public Speaking can tap into my old friend, Anxiety IF I allow it. Why? My child-self...
It’s Not About Me

It’s Not About Me

The passing of my husband left me abruptly awake to the future risks and challenges I would face in financial, social, emotional, psychological, and physical areas of life while raising my grandson alone. That wasn’t my only wake-up call.  What I...
The Guilt of Anxiety

The Guilt of Anxiety

Winter was always valid as an excuse for me to admire the world from a distance without guilting myself into anxiety and worry that I am not Being or Doing enough. But why only in the cold months? Most people would agree a cozy warm blanket and hot drink are preferred...
Confirmation Bias & Trauma Recovery

Confirmation Bias & Trauma Recovery

Some know I’m writing my second book and it includes a chapter on the concept of Acknowledgment in trauma recovery.  So, recently in a deep discussion about Acknowledgment,  I knew I understood the concept but was challenged by exactly how I began to...
It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

It Doesn’t Have to Hurt Many of us have been hooked into the psychological mind games of nefarious online scammers. With little to no recourse against the invisible thieves of love, what can we do to help put our lives in order?  I need you to know this:...