About Unbound Living
UnBound Living is a platform dedicated to assisting others find and maintain the relief they seek from their traumatic experiences.
Surviving wasn’t enough for me. I wanted more. I wanted to understand, to know the why behind the experience of violence and subsequent declining health. I wanted to reverse the damage that had been done.
So I asked questions. I explored. I dug deep and wrote. I’m not finished with my journey. None of us are. Because once we start, we have chosen to UnBind from our past and step over the threshold into our future.
Who Is Sher UnBound?
I have engaged in self-descriptions with many labels in my life, but the one I have never ascribed is quitter.
As a Survivor of Sexual and Domestic Violence, I have cultivated tenacious mindset with life and tap into resilience, grit, grace and more to meet my needs. My purpose is to share that energy and my understandings with as many survivors as possible.
Because I am proof that fallout from trauma can be overcome or eased. I am proof of life after trauma; a good life. I am proof that we can change, if we CHOOSE to CHANGE.
We aren’t “just survivors” because we made it out of a situation. We are warriors because we must fight for ourselves EVERY day.
Sher works and lives in The Gulf of Mexico. She holds a degree in Social Work/Counseling, and a number of certificates for course work in trauma recovery and trauma informed care.
Sher brings her lived experience as a Survivor of Severe Childhood Abuse, Sexual and Domestic Violence, to the working relationships with her clients.
Vision & Core Values
” I believe in the power of UnBound Living – a shift away from the unhealthy beliefs I adopted for survival that no longer serve their purpose. I trust in the Moreness of life; the foundation of my self-acceptance, self-love, and self-worth.”