What better time than now to set an Intent for 2024 that revolves around developing authenticity and self-acceptance?

Experience taught me fear of abandonment or rejection can lead to trying too hard to be liked or loved. I found myself frequently moving in ways that were not in alignment with my values and true self, such as: making shallow, inconsistent connections, fostering codependency, putting myself last (if at all), ignoring my emotional and physical well-being, and more.

Validation is a natural human desire; however, doing so in a way that is imbalanced, forced, or insincere usually comes with negative consequences. Building connections is more effective when it stems from authenticity and a genuine expression of one’s qualities and interests.

I invite you to consider using any or all of the following 7 tips to assist you with breaking the pattern of trying too hard. Each of the tips can be set as your Intent and broken into goals on your continued journey of becoming UnBound in 2024.

1. Take a Break:

Give yourself a breather; step back, broaden your perspective, and consider sharing your thoughts with someone else for fresh insights. Alternatively, take a moment to recharge—breathe, reflect, and free yourself from the constant pursuit of external validation.

 2. Let Go:

Focus on priorities to navigate goals with fewer obstacles. Release the hold on unrealistic expectations, embracing imperfections. It’s okay not to have everything figured out—allow room for growth and understanding.

 3. Be Mindful of Your Motivations:

Reflect on your desires and their driving force. Know your intent to avoid chaos; explore motives aligning actions with genuine passion rather than external pressures. Ensure your actions resonate with purpose.

 4. Practice Positive Self-Talk:

Challenge beliefs, foster self-worth through positive self-talk, shaping a mindset that reinforces your value.

 5. Make Time for Yourself:

Prioritize self-care, not only physically but also in terms of time. Dedicate moments solely for your joy and relaxation, nurturing a healthy work-life relationship.

6. Consider Your Values:

Base life decisions on your authentic values. Sacrificing them for approval diminishes self-worth. Identify core values, letting them guide decisions for authenticity and fulfillment.

7. Look Inward:

Understand if past experiences drive your urge to exceed limits. Childhood wounds may be the core, so acknowledge and address them to find balance and self-awareness.

Consider 2024 to be the year you embrace authenticity and self-acceptance with persistent dedication. By setting an Intent to Unbind from the pattern of trying too hard, you pave the way for authentic connections and a deeper understanding of your true self.

The journey to becoming UnBound is a personal one, marked by progress rather than perfection.

May you find the inspiration to carry you over the threshold into each new moment with the Intent of unlocking the authentic and empowered version of yourself. Cheers to a new time of authenticity, meaningful connections, and a renewed sense of inner harmony.

Journaling Prompts: I encourage you to use these prompts as a starting point for self-discovery. Remember to document your journey toward authenticity in your daily writing. 

1. Reflect on Your Patterns:

   Take a moment to reflect on your own patterns of trying too hard to be liked or loved. Consider instances where you may have moved away from your values or true self. Journal about these experiences, exploring the emotions and thoughts that accompanied them.

2. Set Your Intent for 2024:

   Use the tips provided in the post to set your Intent for 2024. Choose one or more of the suggested tips and break them into actionable goals. Journal about how you plan to integrate these practices into your daily life and the positive changes you hope to see.

3. Explore Your Core Values:

   Dive deeper into the idea of aligning actions with your authentic values. Identify and journal about your core values—what truly matters to you. Reflect on how incorporating these values into your decisions can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

I encourage you to use these prompts as a starting point for self-discovery. Remember to document your journey toward authenticity in your daily journaling.